this past sunday consisted of temps in the mid-sixties and a trip to the snow. well, this wasn't just any snow. this was california bay area parking lot snow and let me tell you, it was wild. wild is a nice way of saying mayhem or as lucy put it, "a friggen' zoo." no idea where she learned to talk like that. really.  
do you see that? is that not complete insanity? i mean, my family is in there somewhere! having sort-of-fun! in dirty, hard-packed, snow imported from who-knows-where! oh my goodness. we coastal californians will take our winter wonderland any way we can get it, i guess. 

to be clear, i'm not putting down the event. not in the least. there was an elf making ballon animals, there was a wish-granting snow queen, there were free cookies and cider. there was hot wheel racing. there were ponies. and if anything, this less-than-picture-perfect heap of cold stuff sparked our interest in taking a trip to tahoe later in the season, to see and play in the real deal. but most importantly, the kids had a good time (well, there were free candy canes). but oh my goodness. that place was packed. 
to clear our heads, we high-tailed it out of there and headed to the beach on a whim. a gorgeous day that allowed for unimpeded views of the city, plus all of marin. and nary a crowd to be found. lesson learned: sand over snow when the sun is shining. 

too bad "i'm dreaming of a brown, gritty christmas" doesn't have such a nice ring...

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