hello there. it's been too long. my fault.

welcome to the new site--hard to believe that we are leaving trusty ol' blogger behind in the dust! for all you valley girl fans (are there any of you still sticking around??? if so, i adore you) this is the new home of valley girl has baby goes crunchy. jeremy's getting on board, and we're combing business and home life for one of those well-rounded blogs that i happen to love. over the last three months we'e settled into our new-to-us home, enjoying our first holiday and winter season here. we're slowly leaving the stress of moving behind, and are getting back into cooking and crafting. the fun stuff--the stuff you don't realize you've missed until you're back at it. and the biggest news of all? baby number three is on the way.

i've reached the halfway mark of this pregnancy (doesn't the angle of that photo above make me look ready to pop tomorrow??? i assure you i'm not quite that big). i am feeling  good. the first three months were a completely different story. the old wives tale that morning sickness gets worse with each pregnancy has proven itself all to true with me. ugh. but i've put all that behind, and am once again amazed to feel a little one bopping around from the inside. this baby has energy to spare. i'm trying my very best to appreciate, remember and enjoy the next 20 weeks, as this is very likely the last baby we'll have. pregnancy is not my favorite thing.

in other news, the kids are the kids. full of energy and mischief, just the way i happen to like them. best friends, these two, they're growing and learning and they surprise me daily with how much they are capable of doing and understanding. we've had quite the mild winter, with days that feel exactly like spring. this type of weather lends itself perfectly to park trips and picnics--there's even a camping trip in the works!


that's it for now--expect posting to be a bit slow as we work all the kinks out in this new space!

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