lucy has recently started a drop-off "into the wild" program for kids. the program itself has many wonderful things about it, all which deserve another post. one of the hidden benefits though, is a good chunk of time spent alone with my two boys. four hours, to be exact. this morning, the littlest happened to be sleeping soundly in the ergo, and much of the time was spent chatting and hiking with hudson. 

i often refer to hudson as my life's work. sometimes jokingly, sometimes not. he's a tiny little guy just brimming over with energy and emotion. he's exuberant. exuberance can be exhausting. i don't blame him, by the way. the middle child has a tough row to hoe--the big is out doing cool things all the time, doing them first and best, and the baby is the baby and everyone know babies are just about the loveliest things on the planet. if you're not screaming at the top of your lungs and jumping off the furniture, you might just go unnoticed. 

well, not today. it was pretty much just me and hudson and i do think we made a nice little pair. i look forward to many more mondays spent alongside him, traveling at his pace and letting him choose our path. and of course, which things to jump off of--bench and stump above, included!
2/21/2013 08:33:55 am

Love the boots and the hat! Looking forward to more photos of your walks together.


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